Rook, Bishop, Queen, King, Knight, and Pawn
0:58 – Rook
2:02 – Bishop
3:01 – Queen
4:12 – King
5:25 – Knight
8:08 – Pawn
How does the Rook move?
How does the Bishop move?
If the Bishop starts on the dark square, what color square must it land on?
The Queen is the most what in the game?
What two pieces can the Queen move like?
The King is the most what in the game?
How many squares can the King move?
The Knight moves in the shape of what capital letter?
The Knight moves in what pattern?
The Knight is the only piece in the game that can do what?
How does a Pawn normally move?
If the Pawn has never been touched before, how many squares can it move?
What is the only way the Pawn can capture?
What happens when the Pawn reaches to the other side of the board?
Chess Inventory
Chessboard I Teach With (Green):
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Wooden Circles: